Wednesday, October 15, 2008

ADD - Attention Deficit Drapes America, Miami Style

This is an interesting time in which to live... we've got all kinds of opportunities to learn things about how we create things in our external reality.

Right now Americans are being shepherded like sheep to vote for a new puppet to play the role of President of the USA. Oblivious to the demonstrable fact that the candidates have already engaged in treasonous behavior while in the US Senate, Americans expect that these guys can repair the economy - the economy being actually an illusion generated by collective acceptance of a debt-based system of control that allows the few to control the many - and protect America from foreign enemies or terrorists - when in reality America's previous terror events have been orchestrated by those within the governing power structure.

Neither candidate speaks based on reality, as they both continue to brainwash the public with false assumptions underlying their policy proposals. Does anyone spend more than 5 minutes to investigate whether things they are told are actually true? That may be a bit of exaggeration, but it does take focused attention and a deliberate desire to apply critical thinking and a truth-seeking mindset in order to get a more accurate picture of the world we live in. Instead, people listen to limited, distorted information from mass media and beLIEve they know more than others about a particular topic.

Recently in Florida someone physically assaulted another person in an argument about politics... this has been known to happen in the past here in Miami, where anti-Castro fanatics have assaulted those who express any kind of sympathy for Castro or socialism or who offer valid criticisms of the hypocrisy of the anti-Castro idealogues. Many of those who claim to despise Castro are happy to reap benefits of socialist policies in America and to try to silence their political adversaries, just as Castro has done in Cuba. Are these people paying attention to their own actions and thought processes?

This dearth of attention and critical thinking often begins in childhood... at that age it's common to act impulsively based on emotions. As we get older our executive functions of cognition, associated with the brain's frontal lobe, begin to mature more. When we are under stress we often revert to the more impulsive reactions - which is why stress of various types contributes to ADD/ADHD in children. Rather than teaching relaxation and calming the mind, the medical orthodoxy is to give stimulant drugs that temporarily stimulate focused cognitive activity - yet don't address the underlying anxiety, poor nutrition, or other factors that impaired attention in the 1st place. So the attention deficit pattern isn't treated, it's just compounded with a substance dependency. Then those who have failed to master management of their minds go on to be slaves of the ruling elite on Earth. I've developed ideas and approaches to helping resolve ADHD issues, but I suspect few will be able to sustain attention long enough to read about it - if you've read this far you have made it further than most!