Saturday, May 26, 2007

The Nature Of Denial: Never Underestimate The Power Of The Dark Side

Denial... a ubiquitous psychological defense mechanism that is used to protect one's illusions about self and one's environment. It leads one to ignore, distort, or reject any information that contradicts one's existing views and conclusions about things.

An example of how denial presents its aid to the dark side is where someone is abusing or molesting children, yet people in the family or community refuse to believe the accusations. This is especially common when the suspect is an otherwise liked or respected person, such as a teacher or minister. Often, people in a family will try to hide what's happening from outsiders even when they recognize for themselves that the abuse is happening.

Now I wish to relate this to the vast web of dark deeds being perpetrated by the global elite and their minions. Large scale genocides have been common throughout history, and today America is the obvious facilitator of carnage in Iraq and Afghanistan, bombing innocents and spreading depleted uranium across the region. Many prominent persons among the elite are involved in cult activities that include molestation/torture of children and even human sacrifice rituals. Ordinary folks think that those activities are something only primitive people did or only a few uncivilized hillbillies and native savages do. There is a hidden subculture that doesn't have the same moral considerations as most persons have been conditioned to accept. Persons in that subculture live a double life, a respectable front that the public sees and a dark private life in the cult. If you want to learn the details of this you can read books on the so-called Illuminati by people like David Icke, Stewart Swerdlow, Fritz Springmeier, Texe Marrs, Cathy O'Brien, Brice Taylor, and others. "Svali," a survivor from that culture, wrote many articles that were posted online. You can find free videos online from people like those above as well as others who describe their research or experiences.

The truth of what's going on is just unfathomable to most people, who have been brought up to believe in illusions, such as the idea that America's wars are fought to defend freedom and that 911 and Pearl Harbor were surprise attacks. Most people don't want to acknowledge their own dark potentials, and certainly don't want to accept that the world is ruled by corrupt, devious people. Accepting that as reality would mean citizens are responsible to make an effort to do something to remedy the situation... such as deserting the institutions that support such dark deeds and deposing leaders who are involved. It would also mean researching things rather than just accepting the illusions presented by the controlled media. The more we deny things, the more power they build, both within and without. We have an opportunity to face these shadows, and the more we face them the more they shrink as light and shadow merge into that which is reflected. I encourage readers to look at reality without fear or resentment, to see what is and choose ways of helping create a more balanced existence. Never underestimate the power of the dark side, for if you don't understand and master the shadow it will have power to be master over you!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Rep. Ron Paul's cautious campaign and the GOP Debates

U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, the libertarian Texas Republican, has drawn increasing attention in the Internet blogosphere and among traditionally conservative Republicans and independent voters. His performances this month in televised GOP debates have shown the contrast between his principled libertarian views and practices and the demagogic pandering of the other candidates, especially the so-called front-runners.

Ron Paul is aware of the international financial elites' conspiratorial activities to destroy freedoms and eliminate national sovereignty. He supports eliminating the IRS and Federal Reserve banking system, which were created by fraudulent and treasonous actions in the 20th Century that usurped the Constitutional government of the United States. Paul supports limited government and a foreign policy that doesn't involve interfering in other nations for the benefit of families, corporations, and banking interests that control the USA. That would promote freedom and individual liberties at home and abroad instead of the imperial agendas that most major party candidates go along with. This brings us up to an exchange between Ron Paul and ex-mayor of NYC Rudy Giuliani.

Ron Paul suggested that the terror attacks on 9-11-2001 were fostered by Islamic resentments toward America generated by self-serving interventionist US foreign policies dating back decades. Giuliani called this idea "absurd," even though it is widely held in academic circles and liberal political and journalistic venues. This is called "blowback" in intelligence circles, and is seen as the later consequences of certain policies. Christopher Simpson wrote a book called Blowback that documented the USA's use of former Nazi personnel to populate the military, intelligence, and industrial complex after World War II. In that view, the presence of those people fostered a fascist oriented US foreign policy, where CIA operations were used to interfere in foreign countries for the benefit of US industries.

Another theorized example of blowback would be the Bin Laden "Al Qaeda" network of Islamic fighters who were created by CIA/MI6 to fight Soviet Russia's occupation of Afghanistan in the 1980s. As recently as the late 1990s the USA was using Al Qaeda in the Balkans conflict, yet months later claiming Bin Laden's operatives were involved in bombing the U.S.S. Cole ship. British official Robin Cook reported that Al Qaeda was a database of Islamic fighters who were ultimately managed by US & British intelligence agencies. This corresponds with the fact that an alleged mastermind of the London 7/7 bombings was admitted to have been a British Intelligence operative who had earlier been protected from arrest in the USA by orders of the British governmental authorities.

Thus, we are beginning to see that "Blowback" is in part a cover story for the groups or individuals involved being actual double agents who are set up to participate in "false flag" terror. This is a bit too sophistacted for much of the general public to think about in real life (though it's part of movie plots they can accept). Thus, Ron Paul presents the blowback theory, which is partly true, since anti-American radicalism is fueled by US policies and actions, but the actual anti-West terror activities are often carried out by or falsely blamed upon militants who are agents of or controlled by agents of those they appear to be opposing. 911 is an instance where a multi-layered, intricate military-intelligence operation was designed so that there would be multiple factions and layers of complicity in the terror and ensuing cover-up. Mr. Guilani, a known participant in organized crime activities, was happy to play "hero" in the midst of the planned 911 event. He has been outed by independent journalists as a CIA operative and the circumstances of 911 all point to his complicity in letting the plot unfold, with himself benefitting while New Yorkers suffered.

Ron Paul is no fool, yet he is a cautious and cool-headed person who doesn't want to start a 911 debate in a forum where there are only a few moments to discuss the facts - we have all seen on FOX News shows how 911 Truth discussion is shouted down by corrupt hosts. Thus, the blowback idea, which is obvious and pretty self-explanatory, was safer to express during the debate. The idea that Arabs hate America's freedoms is absurd - if they are religious extremists they may despise American culture's intrusion on their society, but that is not blamed on America any more than on their own Arab neighbors who have the freedom to accept or reject outside social models. Christian fundamentalists in America despise modern US culture as well, and they're not attacking military and financial buildings. America's support of dictators and royalty in Arab countries is despised by many Arabs, as it is quite obviously a means of stealing the oil wealth of those countries to benefit elites while most of the citizens are left out of the prosperity.

The dominant view in US Government circles is that America should assert imperial dominance abroad... imperialism has been the mode of affairs on the planet throughout much of known history and those thinking within that box feel that they need to play according to that game since other factions will win dominance if "we" don't. The comment that "they" hate our freedom and way of life is a blatant lie designed to provoke fear of an external enemy and divert attention from criticism of the actions carried out under the banner of the USA. Making this even more obvious is that the response to supposed terror attacks has been to suppress American freedoms through government laws such as the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. acts and suspension of protections such as habeaus corpus and posse comitatus. America's state National Guard troops are now deployed overseas leaving our country itself increasingly defenseless. Thousands of people illegally cross US borders with little government concern, yet regular citizens are subject to increasing travel scrutiny... no event such as 911 has occurred in the USA since 911 not because of government security measures but because factions within the government actually oversee and orchestrate the terror activities. If terrorists not working in tandem with insiders in the intelligence complex wanted to attack America they could do so easily, just about anywhere... but it hasn't been happening! The whole war on terror is a fraud and Ron Paul has taken a cautious step toward exposing the gangsters running against him for the Republican Presidential nomination. Hopefully there will be more media exposure of the 911 Truth info so that there will soon be a background upon which Ron Paul can lay out more dirt about the treasonous activities of many in our government. Let's offer encouragement to Rosie O'Donnell for taking steps in that direction.