Friday, April 27, 2007

The Secrets of Law of Attraction, Balance, & Extremes of Wealth

I call this posting "The 'Secret' of why sharing the 'Law of Attraction' will likely foster a wave of poverty."

One of the hottest topics of discussion in recent months has been the DVD and book "The Secret." This is a repackaged version of metaphysical ideas that have been taught throughout history and have been popularized in books earlier in the century as well as in "New Thought" spiritual circles. Thus, the title itself is misleading, but that's not the reason I suspect wealth consciousness evangelism will foster a wave of poverty and economic depression.

The basic idea of The Secret is known as the Law of Attraction, that like attracts like. That our thoughts are creative energies and we attract what we think about. While this principle is fundamentally true, nearly all teachers of this concept fail to acknowledge that our human conscious mind is not the most potent attractor field, so it's not the only influence "creating" one's reality. Furthermore, this is not the only relevant metaphysical law shaping our reality. The Law of Balance is one I wish to focus on here, as it is vital to understanding what may happen when immature, undisciplined, and imbalanced conscious creators choose to have the deliberate intention of manifesting wealth.

Balance necessitates that any unbalanced intention will foster itself as well as its opposite polarity. In the world around us we can see that extreme wealth is accompanied by extreme poverty. There are people who apply the "Secret" without concern for ethics or the balance of the world around them, fostering this situation. There are families such as the Rockefellers and Rothschilds who control trillions of dollars of assets, yet it is generally the charity of ordinary persons that is sought to try to aid those who lack basic needs. Extreme wealth has no purpose without its comparison to its opposite, poverty. Likewise, if everyone was poor then no one would know they were poor since there'd be no image of wealth to compare oneself to.

When people choose to attract wealth without considering the context of how that wealth will enter their life and how their other values may be impacted, it can be expected that many people will attract excessive assets, which in the consensus economic system we exist in necessitates that someone else will end up in debt. Here's a practical example of how this happens:

There's curently a marketing program on the internet where people pay over $1000 to get a DVD workshop and other resources to teach "The Secret" concepts. By doing so, they then can earn referral fees for referring this program to other people who end up purchasing into the program. Thus, to earn your money back you have to refer a lot of people. This is for a "secret" that's never been secret and which can be read about online for free in books that are now public domain. Now let's suppose that people were able to keep getting new referrals and eventually there would be NO ONE LEFT to refer to. The last ones to buy in to the program can't earn their money back, and like any pyramid program, the last ones in the pyramid is the largest layer. Remember, whoever started this "selling the secret" program will make HUGE amounts of money while the last ones to join are guaranteed to not recoup their investment.

Another issue here is that wealth in our society has become connected to the medium of money, which has no tangible value aside from its use within a societal agreement that it can be used to obtain goods and services (and those goods and services can't be received without it). Since people generally have psychologically accepted this polarizing system, their thoughts of wealth are attracting the relative opposite of wealth (poverty) to be created as well. A balanced system would be one where everyone has their needs met and people aren't accumulating assets merely to give themselves a sense of power and security. Since few people are able to project the intention of wealth in a balanced way, the wealth that is attracted will be accompanied by an increase in poverty and economic decline, for each polarity feeds its opposite. Some individuals may generate both extremes in their life as they learn about these polarities and how they are generated.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

How Many Dupes Does It Take To Change Our Light Bulbs?

The latest fad being pushed to get people to think they are helping the environment is CFL light bulbs. These are a low energy consuming fluorescent light bulb that many countries are planning to force the public to use as they prepare to ban traditional incandescent bulbs.

Now, just when you thought naive "green" bandwagoneers couldn't get any more foolish than Sheryl Crow saying we need to ditch napkins and wipe our asses with a single piece of toilet tissue, we have major companies like Home Depot (who celebrated Earth Day by giving away free CFL bulbs) and Wal-Mart (known for Chinese sweatshop labor and complicity in narco-trafficking, according to the late maverick muckraker Sherman Skolnick) encouraging us to buy a new type of light bulb. This is supposed to be good for our environment, but on closer analysis this makes those Polish people who have been the butt of "dumb" jokes sound like geniuses. These CFL bulbs give fluorescent light, which is a poor spectrum of light and creates discomfort for sensitive people. Worse, the bulbs contain mercury and sometimes even a radioactive element, which are quite hazardous to our health. World Net Daily has reported on what happens when these bulbs happen to break

I'm glad I've gotten a stash of cheap incandescent bulbs! Sadly, the hoopla over saving energy is bult around the idea that energy is scarce and expensive. Our universe can supply unlimited energy if we use the appropriate technologies. The inventor of AC electricity had planned to supply free energy to the world but the elite industrialists shelved that idea. Nikola Tesla had demonstrated his ability to transmit electricity through the Earth, but he's not the only scientist with advanced energy generation and propulsion systems whose inventions have been kept from the public. Instead of playing the elites' control game we need to demand they release the technologies they withhold from us. Even solar power can be implemented to provide abundant affordable energy, but that has not been supported much by America's government. Rather than focusing on carbon credits and installing toxic light bulbs, we need to address genuine man-made environmental problems (the CFL bulbs add to a major problem of heavy metal poisons) and overcome monopolies that have suppressed abundance in order to exploit limited resources they control. Most importantly, we need to investigate and THINK before jumping on any bandwagon; let's not let our emotional impulses and good intentions be exploited... we need to use our hearts and minds, our logic and intuition, the wholeness of our being to navigate our existence in a more masterful way.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Bono, "One," American Idol, & African AIDScams

This morning in my email I received a forwarded item about U2 singer Bono appearing with other celebrities on a special American Idol TV show to raise support for initiatives promoted by the One Foundation ( to address hunger and AIDS in Africa.

I'm writing to help readers recognize how these celebrities and the pubic who follow them are being duped. Africa is targeted for depopulation by the planet's elites, who want the appearance of offering token aid to help poor, ill Africans. The elites have trillions of dollars at their disposal to raise the living standard in Africa, but instead they promote war and conflict as a cover for their theft of Africa's oil and mineral resources. Then they enlist celebrities to get commoners to donate money to aid campaigns. These efforts will likely involve giving genetically modified (and thus toxic, immune suppressing) food to poor African people and forcing those diagnosed with immune deficiency (AIDS, which in reality isn't primarily a result of having HIV exposure, though the initial spread of HIV appears to have been a covert operation carried out under cover of WHO vaccine campaigns, which subsequently provided a good cover story for the other conditions contributing to illness and deaths in Africa) to take pharmaceutical drugs that compensate for the breakdown of their natural immune function while damaging the body's ability to properly carry out cellular processes.

Real aid would help restore healthy social and economic systems in Africa, such as sustainable agriculture and modern business and professional opportunities. It would provide natural foods and supplements, such as selenium, which has been proven to reduce AIDS rates, and would allow natural healing practitioners to address health issues instead of denouncing herbal treatments of AIDS. The global elite campaigns to "help" Africa are about as genuine as the spam emails from Nigeria asking for your assistance with a lucrative business transaction. Please ignore those pleas and find genuine activists who are offering valid, effective help to Africans. Africa has been exploited for a long time and we can't expect those responsible for that exploitation to suddenly desire to help the African people.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

NASA - Next Another Shooter Attacks ?

NASA is known as the National Aeronautics & Space Administration, supposedly designed to research outer space for scientific purposes. In reality, NASA is known to harbor secret agendas and occult groups and to frequently lie and cover-up about it's activities. Richard Hoagland at has written at length about Masonic ritualistic aspects of NASA and the coverup of intelligently constructed artifacts on Mars and the Moon. There have been persistent and credible allegations of NASA covering up the true causes of the destruction of its Space Shuttles Challenger and Columbia. Marshall Smith, a former consultant to NASA and multi-disciplinary researcher had written about some of these issues and around November of 2006 he posted a promotional banner for a planned article called "Troika of Terror: Mind Control in the U.S. Space Program." Marshall hasn't been heard from since, as you can see at his site The Brother Jonathan Gazette.

There was a NASA connection to the case of the children in the Yates family drowned by their mother. Her husband was a NASA employee. She was on medication following post-partum depression, and withdrawal from those medications can foster psychotic behavior, especially if the person has been programmed or been subject to negative spirit influences. In addition to people who hear voices of spirit entities guiding them there are also synthetic telepathy technologies that use microwave and ELF frequencies to transmit directly into someone's brain. NASA was involved in the use of this technology according to some researchers, as was the US Navy, which has been reported by Rayelan Allen, former wife of recently deceased CIA/ONI operative Gunther Russbacher, who had turned against the New World Order after having piloted George HW Bush to Paris for the October Surprise deal in 1980.

Now, we have a case of a man at NASA's center in Houston carrying out a homicide just days after a mass shooting at Virginia Tech University. VTech is the site of much research involving US Military and Intelligence agencies, including DARPA, the advanced research division of the Defense Department. This Houston shooting comes on the Anniversary of the Columbine shootings and Adolf Hitler's birthday. NASA was started with the aid of many former Nazi scientists and NASA's JPL (Jet Propulsion Lab) was created by Jack Parsons, a high level occultist who had connections to people like Aliester Crowley and L Ron Hubbard. The writings of Crowley and Hubbard appear to be influenced by extraterrestrial intelligences they contacted during their occult activities. Nazism, Zionism, and other occult influenced agendas appear connected to extraterrestrial racial supremacy belief systems. Eugenics never went away and to this day there are overt and covert efforts to carry out ethnic cleansing.

What's interesting is that the hostage situation and murder in Houston quickly became national news, as that type of story may not go national when the news is occupied by other topics of national interest. It's easy to play up or play down certain types of news, and if something is played up it may have a particular occult signifcance for which imprinting it in the mass consciousness is desired. Even the playing of the VTech shooter videos and photos on network news seems to be suspicious, as it would have sufficed to just report with the typical soundbite about their existence and general content... unless there was a hidden message or trigger in the videos that someone wants the public exposed to.

As usual, I expect the true details behind this incident will be hidden.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

VTech, MK-Ultra, Anti-Depressants, & Programmed Psychosis

To start this posting I will state that I have no specific knowledge about persons involved in the Virginia Tech shootings or their motives. I have researched extensively about covert mind-control programs and how they are used to manipulate people to carry out actions in an altered state that is separated from their ordinary conscious pattern of thinking. There is extensive documented evidence of these programs being carried out through projects connected to government and military agencies, sometimes with connections to religious organizations, secret societies, and cults. I will outline the various circumstancial clues about the Virginia Tech case which suggest such a covert operation.

First, the deaths are reported to total 33, a "magic" number for occultists, being 3 X 11 and the highest public degree in Scottish Rite Freemasonry (connected to British Aristocracy). The British Queen is scheduled to visit Virginia in early May 2007. British Intelligence and the CIA are involved in mind control programs, most notably MK-Ultra, which has had a number of subprograms such as Artichoke, Bluebird, & Monarch. These have included using drugs and hypnosis, along with trauma and sensory deprivation, to induce dissociation, altered states, and openness to programming of one's mind. Colin Ross, M.D. is a psyhciatrist who has written about these programs and how to treat victims of trauma and mind control. He is not a mere conspiracy theorist, but a respected professional who has developed successful treatment programs and teaches state approved courses for other therapists.

The alleged gunman (I say alleged because it seems likely he had accomplices and handlers who assisted or guided him in some manner, and if he was dissociated then it would have been an alternate personality or programming command that carried out the attacks) was a South Korean man who had lived in the USA since childhood and displayed some unusual behavior as well as unusual writings. A former classmate provided a copy of a play reportedly written by the shooter which features a teenager who was molested by his stepfather and who is involved in a murderous retaliation. This can be viewed at

Interestingly, the story features a character named Dick, which reminds me of VP Dick Cheney, alleged by persons such as Cathy O'Brien & Mark Phillips as being a vicious handler of mind-controlled sex slaves. If the Asian shooter was a victim of child molestation in real life why would he use Anglicized characters if the perpetrators were Asian? The alleged gunman's roommates on campus described him as being a loner who avoided social interactions and spent a lot of time at the computer... yet he also was absent from his residence frequently and there was no explanation about where he was. Also, there's no explanation about where he got his weapons or other materials used to orchestrate the mass murder. He had a receipt in a backpack which was reported as being for the purchase of the guns, yet the guns had their tracking numbers scratched off. Could it be that government handlers supplied the guns from government caches and then purchased identical guns to plant a receipt to make it appear the shooter had bought them himself? We really have no way of knowing what really happened with the guns, though it's curious we haven't so far heard from a gun shop operator remembering the gunman having been at the proprietor's store.

The law enforcement response to the incident was seemingly negligent, with an armed murderer loose yet no attempt to set up a perimeter and alert the campus to the potential danger and search effort. No one intervened to stop the gunman who was apparently chaining the exits to a building and carrying two weapons and loads of ammunition. It seems likely that someone within law enforcement was working to sabotage the pursuit of the shooter or shooters, and perhaps there were one or more shooters or handlers working within law enforcement agencies present at Virginia Tech. There had been bomb threats and increased activity of law enforcement in the days prior to the massacre. This could have been part of a set-up or preparation for the attack, yet we don't hear where the threats were traced to, even though we know that those types of threats can often be traced.

Next, we hear that the alleged gunman was on anti-depressant medication. That type of medication has been associated with suicidal and homicidal behaviors, because it impairs natural neurotransmitter regulation to foster an elevation in serotonin levels. Elevated serotonin can lead to manic, grandiose thoughts and behaviors, as well as a sense of emotional detachment or dissociation from reality. Diminished serotonin typically fosters depressive moods, and withdrawal from antidepressants can trigger psychosis, with disturbed mood accompanied by homicidal or suicidal thoughts that are divorced from recognition of the reality of carrying out these actions. Psychiatrist Peter Breggin has written books outlining the evidence about this and has testified for individuals who acted out violently under the influence of these drugs or withdrawal from these drugs.

Witnesses reported seeing or hearing the gunman laughing and methodically shooting people with no sign of remorse or uncertainty, like someone in a hypnotic trance. He seemed to act in a military manner, closing off "enemy" escape routes and then shooting everyone, room by room... yet, he suddenly stopped at a certain number even though he had more ammunition, and had shot his victims 3 times each at close range. Rather odd and calculated for someone to be acting emotionally and impulsively. This sounds much like a programmed assassin, yet the media has shown no interest in considering that possibility, even though they are eager to run surveys about whether the public now supports stricter gun control laws. Never mind that the affected campus had a strict gun prohibition and the rest of the state has permissive concealed weapon permits, which had been in the news when an aide to Virginia's US Senator Webb was stopped for having a concealed weapon registered to the Senator. So the place in Virginia targeted by a shooter was the one place where people are forbidden to carry their own weapons for self-defense, guaranteeing that no one outside of law enforcement could have easily interfered with the shooter's actions.

To review, this case has many signs consistent with a programmed killer who had handlers guiding and protecting his plot. This should help us reduce our fears of random shooters, since mass murderers are not often truly random, but are connected to cults or mind control projects. Fear is what those orchestrating these events want to promote and we would be wise to learn to overcome our fears. We may never know some of the true details of what happened at Virginia Tech, but we can choose to go on with our lives and overcome fear and anger triggered by events around us. We have to choose what we want to give energy to... and if we are disturbed by events and maintain our attention to them then we are giving energy to those events and to those who orchestrate them. Place your attention on positive things in your life until you can observe negative phenomena without feeling disturbed. We do benefit from learning to be unperturbed by events, as our vulnerability to be drawn into those dramas is what allows them to be used to have power over us. Just be aware of how you're reacting and shift your attention when you feel yourself being drawn into the drama. There are many beautiful and pleasant things in our world we can attend to to reclaim our energy... art, music, humor, inspiration, these are surrounding us even when we don't pay attention to them.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Let's Lighten Up, Holographically, Spiritually

Ahh... after some posts on the seeming darkness of consciousness in our society I feel like projecting out into the bigger picture, where we are spirits who project our awareness into this matrix to enhance our awareness through learning experiences here.

There are many great resources that look at the "New Physics" which recognizes that we are all connected to an infinite creative source beyond our illusion of time and space. That reality is holographic and generated in a certain aspect by the observer interacting with the observed. That vibration emanating from an unlimited field of consciousness/spirit is the nature of existence... and that there are coherent patterns and principles at work as creation unfolds. Some of these principles are viewed as universal laws, such as Law of Attraction, Law of Deliberate Intent, Law of Allowance, and Law of Balance. Others are seen as scientific principles, such as holographic and fractal aspects of energy manifestation. Electricity and magnetism are areas in which these principles have been understood. The electric universe cosmology is one that is replacing Big Bang theory among progressive thinkers in scientific disciplines. Secret societies have encoded and preserved this scientific and metaphysical knowledge, often using it to manipulate reality for selfish agendas.

I encourage my blog's visitors to educate themselves about these subjects. Books by authors such as Michael Talbot, Fred Alan Wolf, William Tiller, Lynn McTaggart, Gregg Braden, David Wilcock, Ervin Laszlo, Dean Radin, and Gary Schwartz are some of the more useful sources of input about the wonder-ful nature of reality and the purpose and meaning we can recognize in our existence. Spiritually focused books are also helpful, with writers such as James Redfield, Neale Donald Walsch, Gary Zukav, Deepak Chopra, Esther Hicks, Jane Roberts, Michael Roads, Dan Millman, and others inspiring us to see our lives from a higher point of awareness.

Recently, David Wilcock has produced extraordinary articles in his blog at and maintains an approach intended to merge spiritual concepts with scientific data that corroborates the metaphysical concepts underlying our existence. David believes we are reaching a nexus point of sorts for our civilization, which he calls ascension. It involves an influx of higher vibrational energy into our reality which will affect the physical world as well as the spirit-consciousness of humans present on the Earth. This is the primary source of climate change throughout our solar system, and also is connected to the "speeding up" of life on our planet. Observe the pace of life and technologies as well as the acceleration of spiritual agendas, both light and dark, and you'll see this climax unfolding. Change isn't easy and rapid change can be especially challenging... but it also provides opportunities for massive growth and learning experiences. We can gain the most by becoming self-reflective and seeing what we may learn from the circumstances unfolding. We are where we're meant to be and we're all helping the Source see itself from different perspectives, just as everyone around us offers reflections of ways of being to help us know ourselves better.

Mass Shooting At Virginia Tech Linked To Government Psy-Op Terror?

Today's news brings America's focus toward the fear of homicidal gunmen. More than 30 individuals are reported dead on the Virginia Tech University campus after a shooting spree began early in the morning. The true number of gunmen is uncertain, as the police officials and media are currently claiming there was a single gunman who ended the spree by shooting himself dead. Early reports from alternative news media sources suggest that this terror invoking event was linked to covert shadow government operations. There had been bomb threats during the prior week at the university and there was unusually high presence of law enforcement personnel around the campus, yet when the Monday shooting incidents began student witnesses reported that the school was slow to alert those on campus and the police responding to the shootings seemed to be passive and timid about accosting the shooter or shooters.

Reporters at have alleged that this was an incident orchestrated by government covert operations personnel working on behalf of elite interests. Alex Jones' carried a story with input from contacts on campus who were inclined to suspect that this incident was not due solely to a random lone gunman. The timing of this incident is curious, coming on the current Pope's birthday and also just after a fuss over the firing of Don Imus after an inordinate reaction to Imus' ghetto talk about college basketball players. It's also a few days from the anniversary of the Waco Texas mass killing of Branch Dividians and the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing.

The Waco and OKC incidents are known by many to be connected to government mind control operations. Koresh was alleged by CIA informants to have been a mind controlled sleeper, who was terminated by elite military units in the mass fire engulfing his compound. The report outlining this and related info about the rogue network of operations directed toward a "New World Order" agenda was delivered by attorney Paul Wilcher to Janet Reno, Attorney General at the time, and Wilcher was murdered days later. Similarly, the OKC bombing had government sponsorship and Tim McVeigh was a government patsy who was in military service even after the government claimed he wasn't. There are some suspicious deaths surrounding witnesses to the OKC bombing, including the apparent execution of McVeigh, who is now not available to spill the beans about other persons involved.

Contributors to an online forum at had noted this month that they were seeing TV commercials that use the song Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, which is a commonly used "trigger" phrase in mind control programming. A depiction of this type of programming is shown in the Manchurian Candidate films, which were based on the John Marks book about the government sponsored research in mind control for military and espionage purposes. In the first film, a character played by Frank Sinatra discovers that his troop of soldiers were programmed when captured by the North Koreans and there is a plot to kill a politician in the USA. In the newer film with Denzel Washington the setting involves a Gulf War I veteran who is programmed to carry out a political assassination. Upon seeing that commercial these individuals immediately suspected an upcoming event like what we have seen today at Virginia Tech.

I encourage readers to stay centered and be an observer of what transpires... consider what emotions are being stirred and what agendas are being proposed as the story unfolds. Also, consider what other issues are pushed out of the news while the focus is on campus gun violence. Meanwhile, let us offer appreciation to the spirits who departed this plane of being in the events as well as our best wishes to the injured and to the loved ones of those affected by the shootings. There are many challenges in life, but they all ultimately foster our growth and evolution. Also, let us remember that in American military operations, far more innocent civilians are gunned down/bombed than in an incident such as we see at Virginia Tech, yet our media treats the soldiers carrying out the military operations as heroes. This shows how people compartmentalize their consciousness, having empathy for one group of victims and ignoring the plight of another group of victims, not seeing the hidden web of connections between all events and realities.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Exploiting Climate Change To Further The Global Order

One of the biggest topics discussed in many circles in recent months is the issue of global climate change, often defined as global warming and attributed to human industrial pollution. The film An Inconvenient Truth, which brought former VP Al Gore, Jr. an Academy Award has been a key element in the promotion of this issue. The public debate has been largely delineated between environmentalists and socialist advocates versus the Republicans and big industry in the USA. What most people don't realize is that the financing of the environmentalist movement is managed by the same sources that manage global industries and global banking. This seems to be a staged debate as it's presented across the mainstream media, even though I suspect that most of those talking about the issue from their perspective genuinely believe in their view.

I have read many articles about this topic and find that the theory of man-made global warming is seriously flawed and definitely not an overwhelming consensus among scientists. Even when there is indeed an overwhelming consensus on a topic that involves scientific research and theorizing, the consensus often turns out to be inaccurate. A couple independent critics of the global warming orthodoxy are published at and; Ken Adachi at has a whole section of articles from various sources that refute the claims of the global warming campaigners. There does seem to be evidence that global climate change is occurring, but this is not due to CO2 and not a phenomenon exclusive to Earth in the solar system. Changes are occurring throughout our solar system and researchers exploring hyperdimensional energy transfer (David Wilcock at and Richard Hoagland at are publishing details about this) explain this as associated with energy influx corresponding with natural energy cycles.

The solutions provided to allegedly ameliorate climate change involve global restrictions and global taxes... key components of the agenda to create a global government. These restrictions will be economically disadvantageous to many but will benefit some who are in a position to exploit measures such as carbon credits. As Earth changes and climate change occur the powers that be can use them to terrorize the public into accepting restrictive measures that will allegedly save humanity from the worst of global warming. There's even technologies that can manipulate weather and trigger earthquakes, which can be employed at key times and places to shape public mood and sentiment.

We now have celebrities on the global warming bandwagon, preparing a mega "aid" concert. never mind that the global elites promoting global warming have trillions of dollars at their disposal to fund whatever effort would be needed to deal with a genuine man-made climate issue. No, they don't use their funds other than in token PR-oriented donations to reduce poverty, hunger, or environmental damage. They prefer to offer the public a ritual of entertainment, such as Live Aid, Live 8, and now July 7 (the anniversary of the London false flag subway bombings), to get the public's emotions and donations directed toward a managed deception.

The solution to likely global climate change and food scarcity appears to be stealth depopulation... not reductions in carbon gas emissions or increased use of solar energy. That's not what I'm proposing, it's what the global elite have been planning and implementing in the last few decades. Human fertility is steadily decreasing due to endocrine disrupting chemicals proliferating in the environment. There have even been instances of sterilization components placed in vaccines given to people in impoverished countries. In Africa, HIV was unleashed via WHO vaccine campaigns, while the use of natural treatments to boost the immune system has been suppressed. It is likely that HIV offers a cover story for the reality that people are really dying due to malnutrition and poor living conditions. The procession of wars around the world has ended many lives and soldiers deployed overseas are not at home procreating with their spouses or domestic partners. We have received ongoing propaganda about disease outbreaks... AIDS, Ebola, SARS, and avian flu, for examples. If there is a global epidemic of illness would many people question whether or not it's natural? It's not difficult to use chemical and electromagnetic weapons to impair immune functioning and facilitate mortality from bioengineered microbes. There are now efforts to restrict access to natural health products such as vitamins, herbs, and food extracts. Making it hard for most people to get access to genuine healing aids would be a likely precursor to an attack on human health designed to reduce population.

If people are busy coping with various health and economic problems it will be hard for them to resist being subjected to totalitarian policies and implementation of a freedom-suppressing global governing system. If the population is reduced through wars and diseases then there will be fewer people to control and shepherd into the New World Order that elites have been planning for an indefinite amount of time. The thought of intentional mass killing is abhorrent to most people, yet it is viewed by some as necessary and is consistent with official population reduction policies that have been established by national and international government and policy organizations. Every year in Bohemian Grove in Northern California many of the wealthy and powerful persons of influence have a "Cremation of Care" ritual, to detach from their conscience so they aren't inhibited by it as they carry out the dirty work of creating a global state that gives power and control to those deemed worthy. Those who are oblivious to this can get the video of that event from Alex Jones' or other sites that offer free copies or excerpts of the video. To understand how civilization is managed one has to recognize that the elite managers have been programmed to think in radically different ways than common citizens.

So, returning to the global climate issue, I encourage people to look at the data and arguments without emotional attachment to any position and consider if the promoted hypothesis is valid and if the measures proposed to address it would be effective... and if they have any other implications. I very much support cleaning up our environment and creating a healthier world, but the global warming campaign is a diversion that I find very limited in its support for transforming industries to respect the environment while being aggressive in its support of promoting totalitarian governing systems. That I associate with the plan for having a One World Government and reduced global population. You can't just ask people to support those goals, you have to threaten and deceive them into accepting those agendas and outcomes. The real inconvenient truth is the hidden power structure and its associated agendas on our planet.

Imus, The Media Monopoly, & Hypocrisy In America

A heavily covered news item in the past week has been the reaction to comments made by syndicated radio host Imus, culminating in this veteran radio personality's firing after his employer's claim that his referring to female college basketball players as "nappy-headed hos" was something they did not wish to be associated with. Imus' street talk was not out of character, and there are many transcripts of past comments he has made that would be insulting to various minority group... and his comments haven't previously aroused such a reaction.

Media conglomerates such as Viacom (owner of CBS, which broadcasted the Imus show) market numerous music recordings, movies, and other entertainment materials that contain far more coarse and insulting language than Imus but which they will continue to sell and profit from. Imus had recently called the honchos at CBS "money-grubbing Jews," and this incident ironically seems to lend credibility to his comments, for there are a disproportionate percentage of persons with a Jewish background in the media and a main motive of decisions is certainly profit rather than ethics or enlightening the public. We have no real knowledge of what went on behind the scenes of Imus' firings, but the fact that the media has focused the public's attention so heavily on the story alerts me to the likelihood that there is some agenda of powerful people involved. Imus apologized to the women he made his comments about and was still dumped from the airwaves.

Reverends Jesse Jackson & Al Sharpton were quick to pounce on Imus, yet they are typically selective about what minority "victim" issues they draw attention to. There are much greater and more genuine issues for them to focus on yet they pushed this to the point of Imus being fired even after his apology. Jackson and Sharpton have been identified by some independent journalists as connected to organized crime and government dirty tricks operations. The late Sherman Skolnick was one of the first to expose Jesse's activities, and his successors at Cloak & Dagger Internet Radio have made allegations that Sharpton is also a tainted activist. Considering their history one may wonder if they were rewarded by someone for fostering the Imus issue.

Another interesting allegation comes from the news site, where information alleged to come from European intelligence sources indicated that Imus had threatened to expose information about lies behind the Iraq War and the 911 terror events. His comments to Tim Russert during an interview seemed to imply such a threat of disclosure. Thus, the source cited claims that he was fired due to his threat to add to the ranks of public figures challenging the 911 coverup. The recent exposure of 911 Truth by Rosie O'Donnell has drawn attention to the topic and thus raised tension among the power structure that is entangled with 911 and other criminal enterprises. Tom Delay, former Republican Congressman and convicted racketeer was quick to suggest that Rosie O'Donnell should be next to be fired.

Not only are there desparate criminals seeking to silence speech that could expose them, but there are also insecure minorities and victimhood promoting groups that are quick to support censorship. Many Jewish groups (mainly Zionist groups) viciously attack anyone who criticizes Israel or Jews, regardless of the basis for such criticisms. In many countries people are now jailed for merely questioning the details of the established consensus about the WWII Holocaust... even though there is solid evidence that a number of accepted details of what happened during the Holocaust are either inaccurate or unsubstantiated.

There are also women who don't want any derrogatory speech about women used... even though they seem to have no problem with male-bashing and insults directed at men, as well as suppression of evidence that domestic violence is often directed at men by females and not as one sided as widely taught. Similarly, some blacks want to be protected from insults about their race but often don't condemn insults about whites or the language used in their own community that is what people like Imus may mimick. Many blacks still blame whites for their communities' problems while failing to face their own role in perpetuating class differences. There are certainly those who oppress minorities and create difficulties for them, but that is not an excuse for self-sabotage or for seeking to get "affirmative action" that results in reverse discrimination. Two injustices don't add up to fairness. It only encourages social conflict.

As a society, we must have free speech and a willingness to explore all viewpoints and perspectives to increase understanding. When there is censorship we can start to investigate who wishes to impose their views or protect themselves from the effects of open discussion. When we can't allow others to think and speak freely we expose our own insecurity and immaturity. By hiding ourselves from varied ideas and viewpoints we sustain the limitations of our own existing awareness and understanding. If our current ideas and views are valid and well-constructed then we shouldn't fear others presenting conflicting ideas or information. We need to expand the range of debate on issues, not narrow it, as is customary in conventional media.

Ever notice how issues are debated with only 2 views represented, in most cases? We have around 300 million people in America, so why would there only be 2 views? Why does the media only report on 2 political parties with only occasional exceptions? If everyone's thinking alike then no one is thinking, as Ben Franklin once said. Rosie O'Donnell was correct in describing the media monopoly in America... and the firing of Imus reveals further evidence of hypocrisy among those controlling the content of media. Unless Americans learn to question all supposed sources of authority and research and form their own views rather than following shepherds (who are often themselves sheepishly spouting someone else's propaganda construction), then the demise of the country is a fait acompli, a done deal; for those who build empires and suck up the wealth and resources of that society don't concern themselves with the effects of that society collapsing into chaos as long as they have new worlds to plunder.

Jed's Insights

This is the launch of my new "blog!" I'll be posting thoughts on a variety of topics, including philosophy, spirituality, health, current events, human society, and more.

- Jed