Friday, May 23, 2008

What 2 Do When Stumbling On The Truth?

UK Prime Minister Winston Churchill once said that when most people stumble upon the truth they dust themselves off and walk away. I've seen this phenomenon when people are presented with information and evidence that politicians they want to vote for are liars and criminals. They don't want to objectively look at the information but prefer to either try to discount it in one way or another. They'll say "I like what that candidate has to say in his/her speeches" and "you can't trust the stuff you hear on the Internet." They don't bother to examine the historical reliability of what the person has had to say and don't bother to read and check the validity of the damning online muckraker findings.

People have psychological reasons for not facing the truth... "what will my friends/family think if I espouse a contrary or unusual point of view?" "What if there is no one to look up to as a hero or saviour?" How many wish to face those potentials? Power mongers and manipulators of society know and study these weaknesses and play them to their advantage. So ask yourself, when you stumble upon the truth will you accept that reality and shift your words and actions to reflect your new awareness?

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence: Book Release

New Book: Consciousness, Creation, & Existence: A Guide To The Grand Adventure, by Jed Shlackman, LMHC

It's here! This fascinating look at metaphysics and creative principles offers insights into how you can re-create your life in harmony with universal principles. Understand your life from a much more inspired, expansive perspective. Learn how to turn the challenges in your life into opportunities to learn, grow, and move beyond your subconscious limitations. Reading this book will transform your consciousness. If you are ready to move forward in your life and find more appreciation and peace with yourself and the world around you, then this may be the book for you! This book has been an adventure for me in my creative process... if you'd like to learn more or order it, visit
