Friday, November 21, 2008

Creating A Sane, Positive Health Care System

In the USA there is ongoing debate about reforming health care and health insurance. Costs for health care have risen dramatically while the health of the population has in many ways deteriorated. Americans would be wise to question many basic assumptions about health insurance and health care.

There really ISN'T any health insurance being offered, but rather TREATMENT insurance. If you can get diagnosed with some type of disorder or illness your policy will ensure you get some form of treatment, in a majority of cases the insurance company gets to decide what type of treatment you can receive. Those who develop and promote treatment products and services will naturally seek to have insurance companies cover their treatment and NOT COVER other types of treatment. Furthermore, the cost of care is compounded by the expenses and profit margin of insurance companies. Insurance is offered as a product that must reap profits for the company providing it. Since Insurance companies have many costs for their employees, advertising, government fees, and more, that cost is added to the cost of health care if insurance is being used to manage and guarantee care.

If insurance were not part of this system then you would only be paying health care providers for their services and not paying for insurance companies to cover their costs and maintain profitability. Even if you personally are not supporting the insurance company SOMEONE ELSE is - whether it's your employer or taxpayers. If insurance didn't manage your care then you could see any practitioner and pay for whatever services you and your provider believe will best support your health. This would allow a free marketplace of potentially beneficial therapies instead of a system where pharmaceutical monopolies dominate due to their ability to influence government and insurance organizations.

Insurance fraud is currently common, but would be eliminated if patients directly purchased health services and providers had the opportunity to offer reduced fee or pro bono services to those who can't afford care expenses. Insurance would then be a matter of social compassion and ethics rather than a government bureaucracy or profit-motivated business. If the health care system were allowed to focus more on alternative & holistic medicine the public would become healthier and physicians would have more time to donate to treat impoverished patients.

Health care reform can only genuinely occur if the whole nature of the system is reformed and transformed. The current system is not designed to create a healthy population, even though most care providers want to help people. A Universal Health Care program provided by the government is a common suggestion, but that just centralizes and unifies the current flaws of health care into a single bureaucracy. Only when promoting optimal health and the best therapeutic care is the NUMBER ONE value and priority can health care best serve the public. Once money is involved in the equation the values and priorities get distorted.

Thus, we must actually look beyond the topic of health care to see the economic structure of society and how that engenders the dysfunctions that we experience. For an interesting examination of that issue I encourage readers to watch the Zeitgesit Movie and it's sequel Zeitgeist Addendum, at

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

ADD - Attention Deficit Drapes America, Miami Style

This is an interesting time in which to live... we've got all kinds of opportunities to learn things about how we create things in our external reality.

Right now Americans are being shepherded like sheep to vote for a new puppet to play the role of President of the USA. Oblivious to the demonstrable fact that the candidates have already engaged in treasonous behavior while in the US Senate, Americans expect that these guys can repair the economy - the economy being actually an illusion generated by collective acceptance of a debt-based system of control that allows the few to control the many - and protect America from foreign enemies or terrorists - when in reality America's previous terror events have been orchestrated by those within the governing power structure.

Neither candidate speaks based on reality, as they both continue to brainwash the public with false assumptions underlying their policy proposals. Does anyone spend more than 5 minutes to investigate whether things they are told are actually true? That may be a bit of exaggeration, but it does take focused attention and a deliberate desire to apply critical thinking and a truth-seeking mindset in order to get a more accurate picture of the world we live in. Instead, people listen to limited, distorted information from mass media and beLIEve they know more than others about a particular topic.

Recently in Florida someone physically assaulted another person in an argument about politics... this has been known to happen in the past here in Miami, where anti-Castro fanatics have assaulted those who express any kind of sympathy for Castro or socialism or who offer valid criticisms of the hypocrisy of the anti-Castro idealogues. Many of those who claim to despise Castro are happy to reap benefits of socialist policies in America and to try to silence their political adversaries, just as Castro has done in Cuba. Are these people paying attention to their own actions and thought processes?

This dearth of attention and critical thinking often begins in childhood... at that age it's common to act impulsively based on emotions. As we get older our executive functions of cognition, associated with the brain's frontal lobe, begin to mature more. When we are under stress we often revert to the more impulsive reactions - which is why stress of various types contributes to ADD/ADHD in children. Rather than teaching relaxation and calming the mind, the medical orthodoxy is to give stimulant drugs that temporarily stimulate focused cognitive activity - yet don't address the underlying anxiety, poor nutrition, or other factors that impaired attention in the 1st place. So the attention deficit pattern isn't treated, it's just compounded with a substance dependency. Then those who have failed to master management of their minds go on to be slaves of the ruling elite on Earth. I've developed ideas and approaches to helping resolve ADHD issues, but I suspect few will be able to sustain attention long enough to read about it - if you've read this far you have made it further than most!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Balance vs Polarity Illusions

God/Source is Balance, projecting into a spectrum of energy densities/experiential realities where polarities, elements, and archetypes are experiences through their interplay... it's a cosmic game for consciousness! So dark polarity will never gain absolute control and light polarity will never have an ultimate victory over dark. Both will evolve through their experiences and reclaim their awareness of who they are as holographic projections of Source/Creator. Think of the merging of Neo & Agent Smiths in the Matrix Trilogy finale... you overcome the game by recognizing that you and everyone else are just projections from the One consciousness/creator that has created the illusion of separation and material existence. Learn the laws and principles of the game/reality but know that your ultimate self exists beyond them! For interesting metaphysical tidbits visit Consciousness, Creation, And Existence: A Guide To The Grand Adventure" to learn more.

Friday, May 23, 2008

What 2 Do When Stumbling On The Truth?

UK Prime Minister Winston Churchill once said that when most people stumble upon the truth they dust themselves off and walk away. I've seen this phenomenon when people are presented with information and evidence that politicians they want to vote for are liars and criminals. They don't want to objectively look at the information but prefer to either try to discount it in one way or another. They'll say "I like what that candidate has to say in his/her speeches" and "you can't trust the stuff you hear on the Internet." They don't bother to examine the historical reliability of what the person has had to say and don't bother to read and check the validity of the damning online muckraker findings.

People have psychological reasons for not facing the truth... "what will my friends/family think if I espouse a contrary or unusual point of view?" "What if there is no one to look up to as a hero or saviour?" How many wish to face those potentials? Power mongers and manipulators of society know and study these weaknesses and play them to their advantage. So ask yourself, when you stumble upon the truth will you accept that reality and shift your words and actions to reflect your new awareness?

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence: Book Release

New Book: Consciousness, Creation, & Existence: A Guide To The Grand Adventure, by Jed Shlackman, LMHC

It's here! This fascinating look at metaphysics and creative principles offers insights into how you can re-create your life in harmony with universal principles. Understand your life from a much more inspired, expansive perspective. Learn how to turn the challenges in your life into opportunities to learn, grow, and move beyond your subconscious limitations. Reading this book will transform your consciousness. If you are ready to move forward in your life and find more appreciation and peace with yourself and the world around you, then this may be the book for you! This book has been an adventure for me in my creative process... if you'd like to learn more or order it, visit
